All our fees are calculated using the time we have spent on your file. The more work you do and the more prepared you are the less you will pay us.  

However, do not be afraid to bring it all into us in a shoebox if that is what it takes to get it filed.  

Better to pay us a little more than to pay the government a lot more!!!

  • Personal - While we cannot quote you an accurate fee without assessing your file, we can tell you that most personal tax returns are in the $300 - $500 range.

  • Corporate – There is much more to do and CRA demands much more reporting for the corporate tax filers. Again, while we cannot quote you an accurate fee without assessing your file, we can tell you that the full-service fee is generally in the $4,000 - $6,000 range. And of course, it is all tax-deductible as a cost of doing business !!  

Estimates vs. Fixed Fees:

  • Clients occasionally request estimates of services in advance. An estimate is based on the accountant’s professional judgement and will often be affected by factors outside of our control.

  • It is, however, possible in certain situations to quote a fixed fee. In these instances, Stage One provides a letter stating the fixed fee and the specific services that need to be performed.


  • All amounts on the client’s account remaining unpaid for more than 30 days after invoicing are subject to a charge of 2% per month.

Past Due Accounts:

  • When an account becomes more than 30 days past due, or a client fails to provide a requested retainer; Stage One may stop performing all work until the client has brought the account up to date.

  • If an account remains unpaid, Stage One may also withdraw from further accounting work for the client. In some situations, we may proceed with legal action to collect the amount due. 

  • Stage One is entitled to its collection costs.